FRAU - Females Re- enacting Axis Units |
Fashion Facts
The following pages are under construction:
Here a picture showing the handbag and contents being used for re-enactment events / displays.
"Leg make-up" was in vogue in World War II, when stockings became scarce due to war shortages. Women would stand in front of a long mirror and paint the seam up the back of their legs, simulating nylon hose, just to remain in style. Tanning products were also marketed, like the Cotytan powders, which could beat the sun at its own game.
The chemical industry took the ladies by their word, demanding stockings to look as if they are „poured on“. The industry has invented stockings that really are poured on to the leg. Well, one cannot put them on and take them off, water and soap are needed to remove them.
Introduction |
We are a female group ran by women of WARS providing an opportunity for all women regardless of group to work together.
To work with FRAU or indeed become a member or affiliate, we only require you have public liablity insurance paid to a group/association and can prove this on request. If you do, then we are happy to work with you.
We portray all aspects of Third Reich womens roles, from mother to DRK to Reichspost. We attend many shows country wide as well as in Europe and Russia.
There is no age limit, but we ask that hair colour, piercings etc. are authentic or removed. That make up is kept to a minimum and that you strive to improve your impression/s with time.
We are a non-political historical group.
We do not support racism, intolerance or other extreme views.
We do not seek to glorify the Second World War or extreme political ideology.