FRAU - Females Re- enacting Axis Units |
FRAU updates
We will regulary review and discuss anything within the re-enactment world such as attended events and new findings in the world of WW2.
May 2009, Research pamplet on Women under Axis rule, now included in the relevant section of our forum for those interested in researching this aspect of WWII.
What's been happening in FRAU recently
Frau on 06/29/2009 at 7:23pm (UTC) | | May 2009, Research pamplet on Women under Axis rule, now included in the relevant section of our forum for those interested in researching this aspect of WWII.
FRAU attended Waltham Abbey with the first trial of our Soldatenheim. The display was well received by both public and fellow re-enactors, so much so we hope to visit this idea again with improvements at War and Peace.
New members joined us at Waltham Abbey for our first event of the year and our first official female ran axis display. The new ladies enhanced both the group and the display and will be helping the group move onwards during 2009.
June 2009 saw FRAU participate in two events. The new 'War in the Vale' event in Evesham, and a return to Sledmere House. Both events went well for the group and showed FRAU working once again well with other associations and groups to enhance displays and events.
FRAU are also featured in the new WWII Re-enactor magazine in a picture from last years War and Peace.
July 2009 has the much awaited War and Peace show rapidly approaching. FRAU will be at this event with Das Reich and other WARS members. We are looking forward to also working with other groups on our display and are hoping to offer an improved version of our soldatenheim which was trialed at Waltham Abbey.
Behind the scenes so far in 2009, as well as new members, our forum for discussions on not only the group but about all aspects of the women who lived under the swastika has grown. Whislt not the busiest forum, this is to be expected with such a niche audience, however this hasn't stopped a vast amount of experienced collectors and re-enactors joining in discussions and we hope this sharing of information continues.
We hope to progress FRAU further in 2009 at both events and behind the scenes and are keen to speak to anyone who is not only interested in what we do, but that would like to work with us, or indeed females that would like to join us. Please pop by our displays at coming events as we're always more than happy to discuss this, alternatively you can contact us via the contact page details.
Thanks for the support
FRAU | | |
Introduction |
We are a female group ran by women of WARS providing an opportunity for all women regardless of group to work together.
To work with FRAU or indeed become a member or affiliate, we only require you have public liablity insurance paid to a group/association and can prove this on request. If you do, then we are happy to work with you.
We portray all aspects of Third Reich womens roles, from mother to DRK to Reichspost. We attend many shows country wide as well as in Europe and Russia.
There is no age limit, but we ask that hair colour, piercings etc. are authentic or removed. That make up is kept to a minimum and that you strive to improve your impression/s with time.
We are a non-political historical group.
We do not support racism, intolerance or other extreme views.
We do not seek to glorify the Second World War or extreme political ideology.